I am currently working as a weekend researcher. These researches are done when I was a PhD student.
About collaboration or questions for these research, please feel free to contact me.
SmartHair/Harlytop Interface
Much research has been conducted on surface reappearance type haptic displays. Those displays are cable with showing roughness of the objects’ surface often by controlling the height of many rods. However, actuation systems are complex then it is hard for them to expand the display area. In this research, we propose a new surface reappearance type haptic display named “HairlyTop Interface”. That interface consists of multiple SMA based flexible actuators. The actuators are easily appended or remove from the main display device. In this report, we introduce the basic idea of the HairlyTop Interface. Then we also describe on preliminary evaluations and their results.
- 大久保 賢, 山村 美紀, 薛 馬各, 林 卓人, 野嶋 琢也, 内山 博子, スケーラビリティの高い形状インタフェースによるKinetic Clothesの開発, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 2021, 26 巻, 2 号, p. 117-128, 公開日 2021/06/30, Online ISSN 2423-9593, Print ISSN 1344-011X, https://doi.org/10.18974/tvrsj.26.2_117, https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/tvrsj/26/2/26_117/_article/-char/ja, 抄録:
- Takuto Hayashi, Masaru Ohkubo, Sho Sakurai, Koichi Hirota, and Takuya Nojima, “Towards making kinetic garments based on conductive fabric and smart hair”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC), 89-90, 2019.
- 岸田聖生,大久保賢,野嶋琢也, “毛状インターフェイスの運動制御システムの提案と評価”, 第20回ハプティクス研究会,PI-18-024, 2018
- 村上莉沙,野嶋琢也,大久保賢, “NekoHigeMask:マスク着用時の会話補助デバイス”, インタラクション予稿集, 3B29, 2018
- Masaru Ohkubo and Takuya Nojima. 2018. SmartFiber: Reconfigurable Shape Changing Interface. In Proceedings of the 9th Augmented Human International Conference (AH ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 42
- Masaru OHKUBO, Shuhei UMEZU, Takuya NOJIMA, “Come alive! Augmented mobile interaction with smart hair”, Proceedings of Augmented Human International Conference, Article No.32, 2016.(PDF)
- 梅津 周平,大久保 賢,野嶋 琢也:Hairlytop Interface の動作シミュレータの開発,第20回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会予稿集,,12A-01,pp.64-67, 2015.(PDF)
- Shuhei Umezu, Masaru Ohkubo, Yoshiharu Ooide, and Takuya Nojima. “Hairlytop interface: a basic tool for active interfacing”. In Proceedings of the adjunct publication of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST’14 Adjunct). pp.95-96, 2014. (PDF)
- Masaru Ohkubo, Yoshiharu Ooide, Takuya Nojima,”An Interface Composed of a Collection of “Smart Hairs””, Proceedings of the second international workshop on Smart material interfaces: another step to a material future, pp.23-26, 2013.(PDF)
- Digital Contents Expo Innovative Technologies 受賞(Hairlytop Interface:毛をモチーフにした柔らかいインタフェース) 2013/10/24
- Yoshiharu Ooide, Hiroki Kawaguchi, Takuya NOJIMA,”An assembly of soft actuators for an organic user interface”,Proceedings of the adjunct publication of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology,pp.87-88,2013.(PDF)
- 大久保 賢, 大出 慶晴, 野嶋 琢也:Hairlytop Interfaceの大面積Organic User Interfaceへの拡張,第 18 回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,2013 (PDF)
- Takuya Nojima, Yoshiharu Ooide, Hiroki Kawaguchi, ”Hairlytop interface: an interactive surface display comprised of hair-like soft actuators”, Proceedings of the 13th World Haptics Conference, pp.431-435, 2013.(PDF)
- 大出慶晴, 川口紘樹, 野嶋琢也: Hairlytop Interface: 光駆動型毛状インタフェース, 第20回インタラクティブシステムとソフトウェアに関するワークショップ(WISS)予稿集, 2012. (PDF)
- 大出慶晴,川口紘樹,野嶋琢也,”視覚ディスプレイ上で利用する光駆動型柔軟触覚インタフェースの提案”,第 17 回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集,pp.658-661,2012 (PDF)
Kinetic Clothes
Advances in sensor technology allow us to wear various sensors that detect bio-signals, such as body posture, body movement, heart rate and respiration rate. Compared with the many options of wearable sensors available, the options of display methods are limited. This paper proposes the Bio-Collar, which is a novel collar-shaped wearable bio-status display. The Bio-Collar indicates the wearer’s bio-status through its color and kinetic motion.
- Takuto Hayashi, Masaru Ohkubo, Sho Sakurai, Koichi Hirota, Takuya Nojima, “Towards Making Kinetic Garments Based on Conductive Fabric and Smart Hair”, Proceedings of UBICOMP/ISWC, 2019. (author version PDF)
- M. Ohkubo, M. Xue, M. Yamamura, J. Kanebako, L. Ishigami, S. Yamaguchi, T. Nojima, H. Uchiyama, N. Yamazaki, “Design Proposal of Space Clothes that Supports Lives in the Future Space Tourism Era”, Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 100, pp. 59-63, 2017.(author version PDF)
- Masaru OHKUBO, Mage XUE, Miki YAMAMURA, Junichi KANEBAKO, Lisako ISHIGAMI, Syo YAMAGUCHI, Takuya NOJIMA, Hiroko UCHIYAMA and Naoko YAMAZAKI, “Design Proposal of Space Clothes that Supports Lives in the Future Space Tourism Era”, in CIMTEC 2016, L-4:L05, 2016.
- Takuya Nojima, Miki Yamamura, Junichi Kanebako, Lisako Ishigami, Hiroko Uchiyama, Naoko Yamazaki,” Fashion & Textile for Augmenting Human in Space“,Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 2015. (author version PDF)
- Takuya Nojima, Miki Yamamura, Junichi Kanebako, Lisako Ishigami, Mage Xue, Hiroko Uchiyama, Naoko Yamazaki, “Bio-Collar: A wearable optic-kinetic display for awareness of bio-status”, Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human, 2015.(PDF)
- Masaru Ohkubo, Miki Yamamura, Hiroko Uchiyama and Takuya Nojima, “Breathing Clothes: Artworks using the Hairlytop Interface”, Proceedings of Advances in Computer Entertainment Technologies,pp.187-188, 2014.(PDF)
Ball Display
In this paper, we propose a ball with a video display function for Augmented Sports, which enables us to design ball sports with extended strategy. The proposed ball has a sensor to acquire rotation information inside, and a group of LEDs to display images on the outer surface, and displays images in a specific direction depending on the rotation status. In this presentation, we report on the development of a system that displays images while the direction of rotation is fixed to one axis, and furthermore, we verify the validity of the system.
We propose a ball-shaped display that displays images in a specific direction in a rotating state. The proposed ball-shaped display has an inertial sensor and a microcontroller (MPU) inside, and a group of LEDs on the surface of the enclosure. The MPU detects the rotation status of the ball from the inertial sensor and switches the LEDs on the surface of the ball based on this information, and displays the image in a specific direction as shown in the left figure.
We assume that the ball-shaped display, which can display images in a specific direction, will be applied to Augmented Sports and sports training. For example, in Augmented Dodgeball, we extend the rules of dodgeball by using a ball with built-in sensors and a helmet-type device. In this way, the introduction of a ball with sensing and display functions in sports and training is expected to increase the flexibility of designing rules and training menus.
- 大久保 賢、佐藤 俊樹、野嶋 琢也: 映像表示機能を有するボールの提案,第21回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会予稿集, 31C-03,2016.